Sustainable Tourism
RODIL BOUTROUS SAS ISLA DEL ENCANTO is committed to the conservation, protection and good management of natural resources, as well as the strengthening of the social and cultural responsibility of our local communities, making our collaborators, suppliers and visitors aware of the good environmental practices that minimize the negative impacts generated by the provision of our services, in addition to ensuring the preservation of the tangible and intangible cultural heritage of the environment where we are located, integrating gastronomy, art and, in turn, guarded by the ethics police against labor exploitation and commercial sexual activity of girls, boys and adolescents, which is why we demand ourselves under the legal framework of sustainable tourism.

Sociocultural Contribution
- Promotes responsible practices to prevent the trafficking of cultural property, informing clients and suppliers of the applicable legislation. It rejects the commercialization and illicit traffic of cultural goods. Law 397 of 1997 archaeological heritage, cultural heritage of the nation and protection of cultural interest.
- Rejects any type of abuse and sexual exploitation of minors. Provided in article 17 of Law 679 of 2001, the agency and the hotel inform tourists that the exploitation and sexual abuse of minors in Colombia are penalized criminally and administratively, in accordance with current laws. Likewise, and in order to comply with resolution 3840 of December 24, 2009 and according to article 1 of Law 1336 of 2009, Isla del Encanto adopted a code of conduct, in order to prevent and impede sexual exploitation of children and adolescents in the tourist activities that it promotes.
- Promotes strategies with customers and suppliers to prevent and report the sexual exploitation of minors.
- Isla del Encanto participates in campaigns that benefit the local communities of both Barú (Parques Corales del Rosario) and those organized in the city of Cartagena.

Environmental Contribution
- Promotes the protection of wild flora and fauna and their habitat, not buying products made from plants or animals in danger of extinction.
- It supports Law 17 of 1981, against the commercialization and trafficking of species of wild fauna and flora.
- It develops programs aimed at reducing environmental impacts and depletion of natural resources.
- Strategies for saving and efficient use of water, a vital resource for life.
- Saving strategies and efficient use of energy minimizing the depletion of natural resources.
- Strategies for minimization and management of chemical products, reducing environmental contamination using friendly products.
- Comprehensive waste management strategies, carrying out the separation at the source, the adequate collection, giving it the appropriate disposal and reducing generation.
- Strategies to minimize atmospheric, auditory, and visual pollution, promoting controls to avoid disturbing the tourist experience or intimidating wildlife in natural areas.
- Strategies to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) and substances that deplete the ozone layer (ODS), largely avoiding the depletion of natural resources and minimizing the depletion of the ozone layer.

Economic Contribution
- Rejects all kinds of discrimination when hiring staff, there are no prejudices based on gender, race, economic status or sexual orientation.
- It mobilizes around 1,500 people per month, which supports the economic development of destinations.